Monday, August 20, 2007

The stars brighten the night

mother teresa once wrote...

People are often unreasonable
illogical and self-centered
Forgive them anyway
IF you are kind
People may accuse you of selfish uterior motives
Be kind anyway
If you are successful
You will win some false friends and real enemies
Succeed anyway
If you are honest and frank
People may cheat you
Be honest and frank anyway
What you spend years building
Someone could destroy overnight
Build anyway
If you find serenity and happiness
They may be jealous,
Be happy anyway
The good yo do today
People often forget tomorrow
Do good anyway
Give the world the best you have
And it may never be enough
Give it your best anyway
You see,in final analysis
It is between you and God
It was never between you and them anyway
well,sometimes you look at the world...its so corrupted by greed and money..wars happen cuase of money..countries not helpin other starving countries cause of money..well,maybe we just have to give it a shot to bring back some goodness into this world...
With goodness,the stars will brighten the darkness of the night and the sun will shine with honour of the day

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