Monday, November 26, 2007

I came,I saw,I conquered...

SPM is finally over...over two weeks of PMS-ing and stressing..two weeks of brain aching equations and questions..the aint dat bad..SPM was quite ok.."did my very best and thats all it matters"quoted by evelyn toh...i guess with God's help and the blessing of my group of friends, SPM was conquered..there were times where i needed someone to just complain to or just get the thought out of me and im glad that you were there...the hard work paid just to think of my next studying place...

i always believed that "the light will be shone to those worthy" just means that when you keep your head up and fight the difficulties of life,the way will be shone...

well,i have learn alot from all my friends and im so thankful that everytime i meet a new group of friends,its always the ones that are good at heart...God's blessing which i appreciate...

"A heart that is willing plus a soul of burning desire will be the keys to continue on the journey"

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