Thursday, July 26, 2007

Church On Fire

next sunday,5th august!
my confirmation day...
place:assumption church,PJ
time:8.30am(come early if you wanna get good seats)

last saturday,i missed jo-ann's IU/Installation day cause i got a confirmation retreat..well,when for was quite wonderful and beautiful..there was this particualr session where all the lights are off and its all dark except theres a cross in the middle of the class and candles lit around the cross..we were just suppose to think through our lives,our faith,the wonderfullness and beautiful way God made each of us..its was really touching..

few weeks back,my teacher told my class dat some people didnt quite understand the meaning of "church on fire" i just email her..

"Church on fire means just letting go and let the holy spirit light our hearts with the fire of God..just like at Pentecost,when the holy spirit came down on the disciples and they just went out and praised God..i can say that the song "church on fire",the lyrics just speaks for itself..its powerful message"

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