Ever been in a weird feeling…?...like in a situation, you just cant help but help and try to take up some responsibility and still you can see the person your trying to help go through some suffering…its like bit hard to endure this kind of situation and really as much as you try to help or place it in the back of your mind, it keeps coming back to you when your in deep thoughts…in a way it helps you to be more responsible and you feel like you really wanna find a solution to solve that person’s problems…in a way its good teachings of life and in a way your heart tells you keep trying to help with another’s burden and to have faith that a solution will arrive and its not gonna get worse…
(pls!! totally different topic..aite..)
Nyway, also a wonderful phrase which hits home is “when a person is hungry, don’t give the fish to that person but teach the person to catch some fish”…it says that if you give a starving person a fish, you feed him for a meal but if you teach him to catch, he can stay full stomach due to his ability to fish…reality, you try to help a group to set up stuff and your always doing and helping and as the more times you help, the more they tend to give leave things to you to do and laze away…but think that if you disappear for a period of time, the team who willingly left things to you, in a way, their gonna be sesat…sometimes some help from outside would be nice and like in the phrase, if the starving guy is willing to learn a new skill. He would never be lost…